Sometimes, when the light is just right, the view from my window is a reflective one and I behold the inside of my home in this new light! This view is not seasonal with dogwoods blooming or leaves covering the yard but more introspective on my part.
I cannot help but reflect on what is not happening in my home.
There are no children who take daily residence in either their rooms or in front of the television. There used to be...
There are no frenzied mornings with people grabbing coffee and unhealthy food choices to tie them over until lunchtime. There used to be...
There are no piles of laundry sitting on the stairs ignored by children running here and there in order not to be late. There used to be...
There are no last minute, speedway races to the mall for "Must Haves." There used to be...
There is no longer a plethora of phone calls all night long with anxious messages from peers who must share what just happened. There used to be...
And, when the dishes need to be picked up and washed or placed in the dishwasher, there are no children hiding out in the bathrooms. There used to be...
Ah, do not pity me, my friend, for all the things I once had that no longer are part of my daily life.
Now, I have special occasions when one or more grandchildren are in my home delighting me.
Now, wine with dinner is one of life's appreciated moments to be savored.
Now, I can bake cookies in the morning and still have some in the cookie jar at sundown.
Now, I have a DVR with any show I want to watch at the tip of my fingers.
Now, I have an iPad that provides me with the quiet victories (and defeats) of Words with Friends.
Now, I can enjoy my music at my preferred volume any time of day or night.
I welcome the reality of the old adage, "When God closes a door, He opens a window."