Sunday, May 26, 2013

View Out My Window


"When you finally go back to your old home, you find it wasn't the old home you missed but your childhood." Sam Ewing

                                                           Liverpool, Nova Scotia

When I tell people that I was born in Nova Scotia, Cananda, they always act amazed as if to say, "How did you get here?" It was quite easy, really. I got on a boat in Halifax and our little ferry arrived in Boston early on a rainy September day. Of course, since I was just 4 years old, I though it best to bring my older sister, baby brother and mother along, too. We left our white clapboard house nestled between a bay and the Atlantic Ocean to move to "the states" as everyone there calls the US.
My father had already begun his new job in northern New York but he was there waiting for us when the ferry docked. A long, long drive before interstates were developed!


People do ask me questions about life there in southeastern Canada so I thought I would give you a few travel tips in case you ever venture across the northern border of this country.

1. If you order a soft drink or soda in a restaurant, there will be no ice in your glass. You would think there would be a surplus of ice in Canada, wouldn't you? Well, if there is, they are keeping it to themselves.
2. Take the Lighthouse route to see the natural beauty of the south eastern shore. And when you see the signs for Peggy's Cove, turn there. It is not to be missed for quaint beauty.

                                                                       Peggy's Cove

3. Don't laugh when they ask you if you would take a Loonie when giving you change. They may even offer a Twoney. In our world, that would be a one and two dollar coin with, of course, a loon on the Loonie!
4. Have an ice cream wherever you stop. Their ice cream is delicious, especially at Summerville Beach which I used to frequent on my trips back home.
5. When filling up your tank, you will measure your purchase in imperial gallons, if you please, which are smaller but pricier than the US gallon.
6. When the residents talk about their RCMP you should know they are discussing their Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The uniforms are quite impressive! Much fancier than a trooper!
7. Do not think that all Bed and Breakfast inns have air conditioning. Even some motels don't and Nova Scotia can be humid as Hades in August! Research your accommodations!
8. Their fish, lobster and clams are just as good, if not better than, the nearby state of Maine's offerings. Well, on second thought,  the lobster is equal to Maine's. Eat hearty! And they don't have Sweet Tea to wash these feasts down. Better bring your own sugar!
9. Take notice of the Smurf statues and the wondrous homemade cast of characters who decorate the lawns in some areas. I remember seeing a nun on a swing, a husband and wife seated in lawn chairs, and children playing games on the front lawn. None of these characters was alive, just dressed and stuffed to entertain those out for a Sunday drive or to make the tourist wonder about the natives!
10. Whether your destination is the Land of Evangeline, Cape Breton Island or the Titanic museum and graveyard in Halifax, enjoy your conversations with the people that make up this beautiful province.

So go, enjoy and tell them all hello for me, eh?



Saturday, May 18, 2013

View Out My Window

My name and the appearance of my blog have changed a little. I am working slowly but surely to enhance things visually but one day at a time. I also have added the opportunity for you to receive my blogs (when I post them) via email. I bought a domain that was available: "View out my window" since "view from my window" was taken. I am still not sure of all the advantages of having my own domain but, as I said, I have much to learn! It seems the older I get, the more I have to learn! You, too?

I am writing today to request your patience as I get more gizmos, gadgets and pictures added to View Out My Window. Several blogs I am currently subscribed to are so visually interesting that I feel embarrassed "publishing" this plain old blog but, just will go from blah to RAH!  (I hope)

I have plans for interesting topics to cover such as my Nova Scotia roots, my Maine connections, and my wonderful family. So, the picture below is a hint as to what's next!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

View over My Coffee Cup

Yesterday, I had coffee with an old friend- one I had planned to meet several times and, due to life as we know it, we had to cancel our plans. So, today, at last, we shared a couple of hours over a coffee and a frappuccino. We had the best time! We chatted about our time working together, about our mutual retirement situation, about our families, and about our blogs. She knows so much more about blogging than I do and I tried to take mental notes about her suggestions. We both agreed that we have to struggle to keep up with technology or we will certainly be "left behind." And we both agreed that we are not yet old! Are you laughing at us now?

Three years ago when I retired, I envisioned my life changing as far as employment was concerned but I did not contemplate missing all my friends from work. I just assumed that aspect of my life would continue per usual. Wrong! The more time passes, the fewer the social occasions arise giving me those opportunities. Yes, I spend more time with family and am so grateful for that!! I follow Facebook friends with an occasional Like and even a few Comments. Texting is another easy option and I do text several friends on an infrequent basis. Long conversations on the telephone  are a thing of the past in my life and pretty much by choice. Face-to-face conversations are so rare that when that occasion comes along, I get pretty psyched. There is so much to say!

After a great social experience such as I had yesterday, I ask myself why I wait so long between these treasured visits. Why don't I take the time? I resolve to stay more in touch with people I have known for years. My resolve will probably not be sustained but my friends are as busy being retired as I am and it may be a while before we stop and smell the coffee again. Can't wait!