Saturday, May 18, 2013

View Out My Window

My name and the appearance of my blog have changed a little. I am working slowly but surely to enhance things visually but one day at a time. I also have added the opportunity for you to receive my blogs (when I post them) via email. I bought a domain that was available: "View out my window" since "view from my window" was taken. I am still not sure of all the advantages of having my own domain but, as I said, I have much to learn! It seems the older I get, the more I have to learn! You, too?

I am writing today to request your patience as I get more gizmos, gadgets and pictures added to View Out My Window. Several blogs I am currently subscribed to are so visually interesting that I feel embarrassed "publishing" this plain old blog but, just will go from blah to RAH!  (I hope)

I have plans for interesting topics to cover such as my Nova Scotia roots, my Maine connections, and my wonderful family. So, the picture below is a hint as to what's next!

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